Friday, July 20, 2012

Get 101 Subscribers to this Blog

I apologize for writing so infrequently this month, but I am admittedly discouraged that no one has commented or subscribed.  I understand that good content and consistency are important for readership, but it's so discouraging to have no feedback whatsoever.  Anyway, say hi.  Tell me about your dream activities (and by that, I don't mean activities that take place in your dreams...).

Monday, July 9, 2012

Spend a Week at Namale

The other day, Shallow Hal was on TV, and given that not much else was, I decided to watch it.  As soon as I saw the Tony Robbins cameo, I was reminded of how my friend Karen and I used to talk about going to Namale.  Why did I need to be reminded?  When I saw that there were no prices listed on the website, I knew it was clearly out of our price range.

Namale is this luxury resort in Fiji, with rooms opening right on the water.  The food looks delish, and there's a cocktail hour.  Apparently the spa is also great, but the idea of a massage freaks me out so I doubt I'd be hanging out much there.

Anyway, the closest I've been to the Pacific was LA; I'd love to actually get to swim in it.  Namale's location on the bay probably means waters calm enough not to capsize me.  They even offer an excursion to see dolphins!

I'd want to take my old friend of twenty years, Karen, who I haven't seen in at least five.  We met in 1993 at a camp for kids on respiratory support (i.e., ventilators and/or traches) and really hit it off.  For a few years, we've been wanting to do some sort of reunion, and where better than the island paradise owned by Karen's favorite inspirational guru?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Have a Skype Concert with Tom Chapin

I'm sure you know his brother, Harry Chapin, but Tom Chapin is better known to kids.  In my youth, road trips between Indiana and New York were spent belting out songs like Billy the Squid and Johnny Glockenspiel.  When we found out Tom Chapin played each year at the Children's Museum, we went... each year.  Eventually, we owned every tape.

Except one, which was a recording for adults.  It was called Join the Jubilee.  We never played it, frustrated Chapin had sold out to the adult crowd.  But, a decade or so later, on a trip to Tennessee, we decided to give the tape a go.  It was amazing.  From Dueling Banjos played on different instruments to Seven Daffodils, I love the tape.  I tried to but it on iTunes to no avail.

After searching for more of Tom Chapin's adult recordings, I discovered he offers private Skype concerts.  How cool is that?!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Write a Song with Ryan Seiler

My sister is obsessed with YouTube, and is a loyal fan of Luke Conard and his friends.  Although I'm not exactly into wizard rock, the Ministry of Magic has some pretty darn catchy songs.  My favorite Ravenclaw would have to be Ryan Seiler.  His music is really good, especially the song July.  I suspect now that it's the eponymous month, I'll be listening to it a lot more.

Anyway, I like to write, and I think it would be cool to write a song.  The problem is that while I can write lyrics out the wazoo, I know nothing about music.  I bet if I could collaborate with Ryan, the result would be an awesome ear worm.